You shouldn’t be left in the dark, unaware of the businesses being sold in your industry

Join Vequity to unlock strategic deal flow

No cost to create & takes 5 min

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With Vequity

You receive quality inbound deal flow

As a registered Strategic Buyer, your profile is accessible to thousands of brokers, giving you access to inbound strategic deal flow that matches your acquisition criteria, with minimal effort.

Get started

It shouldn’t be so difficult to find the right strategic acquisitions

Without relevant deal flow, you may:

Miss out on a proven path to grow the enterprise value of your company

Learn that a  prized acquisition is sold to a competitor or Private Equity

Spend time in broker outreach with little payoff

What makes Vequity unique

Inbound Deal Flow That’s Relevant to Your Business

Identify your acquisition criteria, including focus, business size, and geography and our matching technology will proactively deliver relevant deals to you.

Visible to Thousands of Brokers

Vequity has connections with thousands of business brokers. It’s easy for brokers to match their deals to your acquisition criteria, sharing those deals and expanding your reach by 10 - 100X.

Early Access to New Deals

Brokers often share new deal opportunities within their own network of qualified buyers.  Because Vequity is a part of these broker networks, you gain access to see these deals, often before they hit the market.

Speed Up The Acquisition

On average, it takes 24 months to search for and close an acquisition.  When you access deal flow through Vequity, you shorten that timeline, eliminating more than 6 months from the process to build deal flow.

How it works:

Sign Up with Vequity

There is no cost unless Vequity brings you a deal that you successfully close

Complete a Strategic Buyer profile

Fill out your acquisition criteria and company information

Consent to Verification

Complete your success fee agreement and watch your inbox for notification of new deals

Pursue Actionable Deals

It takes just 5 minutes to complete your Strategic Buyer profile

During registration you’ll provide criteria for the industry, size, and geography in which you seek to acquire, allowing Vequity to match you with the most relevant deals, often before they hit the market.

And, there’s no cost to you unless Vequity brings you a deal that you successfully acquire.

Get started

“Looking to grow my operating business via acquisition, I was frustrated that no useful tools existed to find deals in my industry.  While I was an ideal buyer for businesses in my space, most brokers didn’t know to contact us. It was extremely time consuming, but I reached out to countless brokers to remain top-of-mind. Vequity was created to ensure the best buyers have access to the deals that match their acquisition criteria.”

Brandon Giles / CEO

At Vequity, we know you want to increase the value of your enterprise

In order to do that, the most tried-and-true path is to grow via acquisition, increasing consolidated earnings, obtaining new customers and building a more robust business. 

The problem is that you have limited visibility into what businesses are for sale in your industry and you’re daunted by the time commitment and cost to find relevant prospects.  We want to support you in growing your business and achieving your financial goals.  As a result, we built Vequity. 

Here’s how we do it:
1. Document your acquisition criteria
2. Make your buyer profile accessible to brokers across the country
3. Provide you targeted deal flow to review. So, get started by building a Strategic Buyer profile today.

And in the meantime, if you’d like to connect with a team member to learn more, drop us a line

Ready to acquire a business?