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Frequently Asked Questions

Arcu egestas purus eget phasellus euismod massa eget elit convallis pulvinar hac nam proin nibh eros lorem curabitur diam purus facilisis malesuada mi.

What is Vequity

At Vequity, we are dedicated to bringing buyers and brokers together.
Vequity exists to make it possible for serious buyers to prove their qualifications to brokers and then be matched to receive relevant inbound deal flow.  We use technology to get the best-fit deals from brokers across the country delivered to you.

Sellers (and their brokers) are looking for serious buyers with the ability to close the deal, demonstrated by verified capital, relevant experience and the ability to obtain financing.

Committed buyers use Vequity verify their qualifications, including available assets, background check and credit check.  A verified buyer receives >2x more deal flow than an unverified buyerVequity works with different types of buyers:

Individual Buyer - A buyer who is an individual looking to acquire a business.
Strategic Buyer - A buyer who is an existing business looking to make an acquisition.
Investment Buyer - A legal entity (non-individual) created to acquire one or more businesses.

Is the service available globally?

Nisl tellus est vitae euismod venenatis donec habitasse at ultricies quis tellus interdum imperdiet mauris et dui quam rhoncus ultricies tincidunt lectus id enim ipsum turpis praesent vivamus scelerisque sodales tellus.

Do you have any local branches?

Nisl tellus est vitae euismod venenatis donec habitasse at ultricies quis tellus interdum imperdiet mauris et dui quam rhoncus ultricies tincidunt lectus id enim ipsum turpis praesent vivamus scelerisque sodales tellus.

What do I need to create an account?

Nisl tellus est vitae euismod venenatis donec habitasse at ultricies quis tellus interdum imperdiet mauris et dui quam rhoncus ultricies tincidunt lectus id enim ipsum turpis praesent vivamus scelerisque sodales tellus.